Picspam Generator [by sql_girl@livejournal]

In a similar way as the Icon Table Generator, you can use this one to create tables to post pictures or any kind of graphics. The addition in this generator is the ability to add text in between the pictures.

You just need type in the wanted text and it will be added to the table as a new row.

Uploads and Settings

If you dont know how to start, see instructions on how to use.

Uploading Type:
All Images:

Table Background Color:
Table Alignment:
Image Border:
Image Border Color:

Settings for Optional Text:
Text Alignment:
Cells Background Color:
Font Color:

Settings for Thumbnails:
Make Thumbnails:
Thumbnails width:  Default Value = 230
Link to the image:

Table Preview


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Write the Text you want to add to the table and then click on "Add". The text will be added to the Images List (it will be indicated by the word "[Text]" at the begining) and the Table Code will be updated in the Preview section.

Then do the same with the image url.

You can chose between "Single Uploading" and "Multiple Uploading" (for the Images only). Using the "Multiple Uploading", you can upload more than one picture in just one step. Paste the Images Urls separated by ";" then press "Add" and all the pictures will be uploaded.

You can set the background color for the table. This optiont is optional.

In any moment you can sort the images and texts in the list using de "Up" and "Down" buttons. You can also delete any image by selecting it and click on "Delete". You can also delete them all at once by selecting all of them.

After changing any of the preferences, you can click on "Preview" to see the Table updated. Click on "Clear" to clear Table Code box.

Settings for Texts:

You can set the color for backgrounds and fonts. And the aligment of the text. Again, color settings are optional.

Settings for Thumbnails:

You can also make tables for bigger images like banners, headers, wallpapers, etc. For this, you can check the "Make Thumbnails" option and set the width for those thumbnails. If you dont set a width, by default thumbnails width will be 230 pixels.

You can add a link to the image by checking the "Link to the image" option.

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